
New land surveying specialist competencies

Katie Holt, Development Manager

CICES and industry leaders collaborate to revise the land surveying specialist competencies

SURVEYING is an industry at the forefront of technology, and while core geospatial principles remain the same, the ways in which we capture survey data constantly evolves.

The land surveying specialist competencies for membership of CICES have recently been reviewed and updated to reflect changes in how survey data is captured, processed and delivered to the client.

This update was carried out by a small group of survey specialists, and then reviewed and verified by peer groups. Fellows of CICES, Richard Cooper, geomatics and examinations director at Bridgeway Consulting and Steven Thurgood, business development manager at Hexagon developed the revised specialist competencies on behalf of the Geospatial Engineering Practices Committee.

The revised land surveying specialist competencies have been validated by the geospatial competencies steering group, and are intended to reflect the real life challenges and considerations when undertaking land surveying tasks in today’s world including:

Applicants working towards CICES technical member and member grades will need to demonstrate experience within these specialist competencies, as well as completing the general and core geospatial competencies.


Katie Holt, Development Manager