Secure Data Management for Utility Surveys

4. Data processing and handover

At the data processing and transfer stage, the surveyor should refer to the contract and any related security documentation, and should:

01. Clear all data from removable devices and on-board memory of the survey equipment as soon as it has been downloaded to a password-protected PC or uploaded to the cloud or server.

02. If the survey collected data about neighbouring buildings and infrastructure assets, consider:

■ Removing any data from any collections submitted to the client that is not required, especially if any of this information is sensitive or not already in the public domain, for example information about security sensors. 

■ Whether any additional security measures are required to protect data that is not publicly available and will be included in a common data environment.

■ If the survey has led to aggregation or augmentation of signifcant amounts of data, for example the enhanced view of data used in augmented reality systems, such as AR headsets. This can increase sensitivity and should be shared in a controlled manner. 

■ Whether there are requirements in the contract or associated documentation for any additional security measures to protect data about utility routes and underground structures of neighbouring assets.

03. If the survey collected any sensitive data, including the interiors of buildings, provide appropriate protection to the raw data set and provide access on a strict need-to-know basis. Any redaction should be carried out during post-processing and only the redacted version should be stored in the common data environment unless there are appropriate security controls in place.

04. Follow the directions for the delivery arrangements to the client for hard and soft copy survey material, including raw survey data. If additional security measures are in place, ensure systems are compliant and up-to-date with the stipulated requirements and that upload and download facilities are protected. If the client requested a hard copy deliverable, ensure a traceable postage method is used.