All members will receive an email invitation to each webinar as they are finalised and promoted.
For further details or any webinar queries or suggestions please contact Heather McGinty, CICES events and regions coordinator, at
Eastern & Midlands
Eastern & Midlands region’s Derby College student presentation. Thanks to Robert Page of Greenhatch for spreading the good word about CICES.
21 MAR 23: Does PAS128 make a difference?
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston Campus, Birmingham 6pm-7.30pm
A free CPD event featuring a discussion by Simon Bailey on how utility surveying is perceived within some corners of our industry. With a presentation on utility detection and mapping by University of Birmingham professor, Nicole Metje.
North West & North Wales
30 MAR 23: Axe throwing social event
Whistle Punks, Manchester, 5.45pm-7.30pm
Have a go at axe throwing and hitting bullseyes in Manchester. The £34.50 event fee covers a 70-minute session, plus two drinks. Full payment to be made with booking.
28 APR 23: Applications in CADD
CICES HQ, Sale, Manchester, 10am
Save the date: 26 MAY 23: Clay Pigeon Shooting Event
Mickley Hall, Nantwich, Cheshire, Time TBC
South East
30 MAR 23: Plowman Craven’s Vogel R3D in infrastructure
University of East London USS Campus, London, 6.30pm-7.30pm
Speaker, Tom Avery, operations manager at Plowman Craven, will give an overview of Plowman Craven’s UAV service, the Vogel R3D. This free talk will include a look at projects completed over the years and showcase the benefits of the system along with the methodologies and QA procedures.
Plus, a look into future developments and other uses of UAV in the rail industry.
South West & South Wales
Save the date: 10 JUN 23: River Cruise Venue TBC, Time TBC
Full details of upcoming events can be found on the CICES events web page at
For additional information, contact Heather McGinty at