President’s Column

All action no talk 

President Andy Evans on improving work processes

ONE of the challenges of improving work processes is finding the time to make those changes.

While coming up with an idea for improvement is easy enough and talking about an idea for improvement is easy enough, creating the space and the changes required to implement and deliver that improvement is an altogether different matter.

As our new CEO, Simon Hamlyn, finds his feet I’d like to take the opportunity to welcome him to the team and remind him that the team at HQ in Sale and the wider team of our members are capable of making great things happen.

Every member of our institution is one of those dedicated to ‘Getting Surveying Done’, or #GSD as I like to throw about on the socials.

It’s important to recognise that those who aren’t being vocal or able to contribute, are those that are just too busy completing their daily tasks as civil engineering surveyors.

It’s important that those that can think of ways to guide strategy to achieve the betterment of our professional lives, remember to consider the aims and outcomes for those that couldn’t attend. 

Andy Evans FCInstCES, President
