Institution Dinner 2023

A magic night in Manchester

The annual dinner – a celebration of everything civil engineering surveying 

THE institution’s annual dinner took place on 22 September at Manchester’s most iconic hotel, The Midland.

First opened in 1903 and originally built to serve rail travellers from London, the stunning building and ballroom has charmed visitors day in and day out.

The Midland Hotel was the place where Charles Rolls met Henry Royce and the formation of Rolls-Royce later occurred in 1904.

Today the Grade II listed hotel is one of Manchester’s most-loved icons; over the years it has hosted everyone from rock stars and politicians to royalty.

Over 320 guests attended the dinner, hosted by president Batsetswe Motsumi and outgoing president Andy Evans for a celebratory evening.

With a special welcome reserved for Daniel Sum, Council of Management member and former Hong Kong regional chair, who had flown in especially. Before the dancing, the institution awards were presented.

The Institution Award was given to long-standing member, Kier’s Jim McCluskey, in recognition of his years of tireless service and outstanding contribution.

While Darrell Smart, CICES operations director, was the recipient of the President’s Award, presented for decades of dedication and delivery of high standards.

Other awards on the night included the Robin Jones Award which went to deserving winners, Megan Roche for equity, diversity & inclusion, Ishini Saparamadu for innovation and sustainability, and Pearse Kelly for overcoming challenges and breaking boundaries through education, training and development.

George Leslie Ltd won the Approved Development Scheme Award in recognition of making the most progress of the commercial management AD schemes.

While Storm Geomatics won the Approved Development Scheme Award in recognition of making the most progress of the geospatial AD schemes.

A charity draw was held with prizes kindly donated by Applications in CADD, Hexagon Leica Geosystems, Topcon, Buxton Press, Davis Blank Furniss, Manchester United FC, Paul MacArthur, The Midland Hotel, and Wisen, raising almost £2,000 for CRASH, a Construction Industry Charity, and Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity. CICES thanks sponsors Applications in CADD, Hexagon Leica Geosystems, KOREC Group, and Topcon for their support.

The photographs were taken by Stuart Standring of Event Photography Bristol. Free photographs from the evening and other CICES dinners are available online at

Next year’s dinner will be held in September 2024 – watch this space.