Women’s Network

Women’s Network

Genna Rourke FCInstCES, Sector Commercial Director, United Living/GBC Telecoms 

An insight into the new CICES Women’s Network

THE CICES Women’s Network offers a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond the boundaries of a professional network. Through robust mentoring programmes, members have the opportunity to receive guidance and support from experienced colleagues, fostering career advancement and personal growth. It prioritises personal and professional development, ensuring that members are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their roles.

Beyond development, the network cultivates a strong sense of community, where members find both a safe space to discuss their experiences and a supportive environment for personal and collective growth. It also serves as a hub for networking, allowing members to connect, collaborate and expand their horizons within the construction and engineering industry. These are just a few of the numerous benefits associated with the Women’s Network, which empower, support, and inspire women in their professional journeys.

Mission statement

Empowering, connecting and advancing women in the construction and engineering profession. The CICES Women’s Network fosters mentoring, personal development, and a strong sense of community to drive career growth and equity in our field.

Specific goals

Mentoring and guidance: The network within CICES provides a valuable resource for mentoring, guidance, and coaching, helping women in the construction and engineering field to advance in their careers and navigate professional challenges effectively.

Personal development: The network offers comprehensive personal development opportunities tailored to the unique needs of women in the industry. This includes not only professional skills but also personal growth, ensuring that women have the tools to excel in their careers.

Safe and inclusive space: The network creates a safe and inclusive space where women can openly discuss their experiences, address concerns, and share ideas without fear of judgment. This promotes a culture of trust and support.

Promoting women in construction: The network plays a pivotal role in raising awareness of the significant contributions made by women in construction and engineering. By doing so, it actively challenges stereotypes and encourages more women to pursue careers in this field.

Networking and allyship: Within CICES, the network fosters opportunities among women in construction and engineering, allowing them to forge meaningful professional relationships. Moreover, it promotes the concept of allyship, urging both women and men in the industry to support and advocate for gender diversity and equity.

Supporting women in progressing to leadership positions: The network prioritises providing support and guidance to women as they progress into leadership positions within the construction and engineering sectors. This commitment ensures that women have the resources and mentorship necessary to excel in leadership roles and contribute to greater diversity and innovation in these positions within CICES and the broader industry.

Promotion of CICES: The network actively promotes CICES, thereby contributing to increased membership and engagement within the industry.

Advocacy for gender-inclusive policies: The network plays a pivotal role in advocating for a balanced approach to policies that affect female colleagues, influencing employers to create more inclusive and equitable workplaces.

How the network will work

WhatsApp for networking, allyship and inclusive space: The network will leverage WhatsApp as a platform for members to connect, network and provide support and allyship to one another. This instant communication channel fosters an inclusive space where members can openly discuss their experiences and concerns.

Monthly online networking meetings: The network will host monthly online meetings, where members can gather to discuss specific topics. These meetings will provide a forum for knowledge sharing, idea exchange and collaboration, enhancing professional growth and awareness within the group.

Personal development book of the month: Each month, a book will be recommended by a member of the network. This initiative encourages members to explore a wide range of personal and professional development literature, fostering knowledge sharing and discussion within the group.

Space in CES: The network will have its own dedicated space within the journal to highlight and promote the exceptional work and achievements of women in the construction and engineering fields. This showcases the network’s commitment to recognising and celebrating the contributions of its members.

Get-togethers: To complement the online interactions, the network will also organise in-person get-togethers, providing opportunities for members to meet face-to-face, strengthen relationships, and create a sense of community. These gatherings will promote a deeper level of connection and support among network members. Where possible the network will look to ‘piggyback’ other events.

Mentoring: The network will facilitate mentoring opportunities where experienced members can provide guidance and support to those looking to advance in their careers. This mentoring programme will promote skill development, career growth and a sense of community within the network.

The questionnaire

Thank you to all who took the time to complete the recent questionnaire about the Women’s Network. The valuable input has been instrumental in shaping the future of the network. With the results analysis now complete, it’s exciting to confirm that a clear roadmap has been established for advancing the network. The contributions have not only strengthened the understanding of the needs and aspirations of CICES members but also paved the way for meaningful progress. As the network embarks on its journey together it strives to build a vibrant and supportive community within the construction and engineering industry.

Who is leading the network?

The individuals driving the Women’s Network forward outline their respective passions, careers and experiences to date.

Genna Rourke FCInstCES, sector commercial director, United Living/GBC Telecoms

With 15 years of industry experience, I am eager to empower and guide fellow women in navigating and advancing their career, In a resounding call for gender diversity and empowerment within the construction and engineering sectors, I have taken the helm as the driving force behind the CICES Women’s Network.

With a boundless passion for encouraging more women to embark on careers in these traditionally male-dominated fields, I am on a mission to support women in achieving their career aspirations and ensuring they have access to fulfilling jobs and opportunities for progression. My deep passion for the construction industry fuels my belief that we should be promoting it more widely, ensuring that opportunities are accessible to all.

Central to my vision is the belief in the untapped potential of women with transferable skills, advocating for their seamless transition into the construction industry. With an unwavering commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, I am leading the charge for a more equitable future, where women in construction and engineering thrive, bringing their unique perspectives and skills to the forefront. This inspiring initiative is set to create a brighter and more diverse future for the industry.

Stacey Lowe MCInstCES, commercial manager, Balfour Beatty Highways

I’m lucky enough to work in the best industry in the world. We support economic growth, we improve travel for jobs and business, we connect communities. We build for the future! As an industry we need to attract diversity and encourage inclusion. Diversity brings unique perspectives, creativity, and innovation. I’m passionate about making our industry visible to all, and by joining the Women’s Network I hope to do just that.

I want to shout about the amazing careers we can offer, the job satisfaction, the accomplishment you feel when you have been part of a project that will leave a lasting, positive legacy. We are creating a community where we can grow together and influence the culture in our industry.

Caroline McDermott FCInstCES, associate director, Turner & Townsend

I’m a chartered quantity surveyor with experience in various construction projects in Scotland, now working in consultancy, specializing in quantum expert appointments, commercial advice, dispute resolution, and adjudication support.

I’m passionate about promoting diversity in the construction industry, particularly encouraging more women to pursue professional roles. The Women’s Network offers support to professionals, fosters interest in careers like quantity surveying, and engages with schools to inspire future diversity in the industry.

Katie Holt, development manager, CICES

I studied civil engineering and now work to help those in the industry with their professional development. I have a passion for promoting diversity and inclusion, and actively work to encourage other women to enter the professions within civil engineering.

As a strong advocate for gender equality I am committed to helping women achieve their full potential in the field of civil engineering. I am keen to provide mentoring and support to earlycareer women, empowering them to aim high and break barriers in this traditionally male-dominated industry. Together, we’re building a more inclusive and dynamic construction profession.

What’s next?

The next step is a kick-off session online for the network on 29 November at 12 pm to meet the inspiring women who lead the network and to get a glimpse of what’s in store for 2024.

The session is open to all, if you would like to attend please register on the CICES website at www.cices.org/events 

Genna Rourke FCInstCES, Sector Commercial Director, United Living/GBC Telecoms



Future event/discussion topics

What are the roles in surveying/geospatial • life coaching skills • leadership • menopause • perimenopause • return to work maternity/ paternity leave • unconscious bias • confidence building • stress • recruitment of females • staff retention • work-life balance • barriers – how to overcome them – pay gap • dealing with sex discrimination/ harassment • mental health • dealing with sexism/comments • CV preparation • LinkedIn profiles • presentations from women about their careers and experience • mindfulness • miscarriage and loss • suicide • IVF • and more...