EDI Spotlight

EDI Spotlight 

FOR most of us the routine of work gives us a purpose and a feeling of being valued in society. However, for some this right is denied because society fails to support those who have a disability.

Disability can be a physical or mental impairment which has a negative impact on daily activities.

The UK has improved employment for this group with 5.1m employed in 2023, up 320,000 on the previous year but the employment rate is only 53.6% compared to 82.5% for nondisabled (Department of Work & Pensions, 2023).

Some employers in our industry have considered ways to be more inclusive for example Mitie (2016) offered work placements for individuals with high functioning autism with the ‘Think Differently’ initiative.

Whilst Kier engaged with a supported employment agency to provide both work placements and a work coach to support the individual (Endean, 2023).

People want to work but need equity for success. ‘Transforming Support’ (2023) aims to pilot a new ‘Access to Work’ scheme to support both the individual and the employer to find solutions to offer sustainable employment which will result in the person feeling valued and contribute to society.

It only takes small adjustments to make individuals welcome in the workplace. With an aging workforce, the number of people facing challenges will surely grow. We all have the right to be valued in society so let’s collectively make those reasonable adjustments to welcome potential new colleagues and strive for best practice and solutions to provide an equitable workplace for all. 

Nicki Clancy MCInstCES, Managing Quantity Surveyor, Alun Griffiths


For more information on the EDI Council please contact: EDICouncil@cices.org