AT the beginning of next month we will be requesting nominations from corporate members (MCInstCES and FCInstCES) to join the institution’s Council of Management. This is the most senior of the institution committees with its structure and appointment processes set out in our royal charter and bylaws.
The Council of Management oversees the delivery of the institution’s five-year strategic plan as well as providing leadership, oversight and direction for this and future generations of civil engineering surveyors.
Being a member of the Council of Management is a unique opportunity for members to make a significant contribution to the fortunes of the institution. As a member you will actively contribute to our critically important work, provide oversight, demonstrate and champion our values and our vision and hold the CEO to account. Council is composed of the president, senior vice president, vice president, immediate past president and up to 14 elected members.
This is a rewarding and responsible position, requiring members to play an active role in the governance of the institution.Members of council are trustees of CICES and come from commercial management and geospatial engineering disciplines. Their role is to bring their business experience, knowledge and drive to influence our work, decide how best the institution is run, and ensuring it is achieving its agreed ambitions.
Members of council serve a term of three years. This is a rewarding and responsible position, requiring members to play an active role in the governance of the institution, ensuring we remain relevant, act with integrity and importantly, recognised as an organisation that those in the profession want to join.
The institution is recognised as the foremost professional institution for specialists employed in geospatial engineering and commercial management in the civil engineering industry and we consistently strive in everything we do to maintain and improve that position.
We build on our reputation through three core values of competence and teamwork, openness, trust and reliability and honesty and integrity. Woven throughout all we do are our golden threads of equity, diversity and inclusion, sustainability and digitalisation.
With all this in mind and you have the skills and qualities required, your nomination must be supported by two current corporate members, to act as your proposer and seconder.
If you genuinely have the time and wish to make a significant contribution to the work and effectiveness of the institution, please consider putting yourself forward for election.
Nominations open on 1 June 2024 and you will be reminded about this in next month’s issue and via email. If you wish to discuss this opportunity in greater detail, please feel free to contact me.
Simon Hamlyn, Chief Executive Officer
+44(0)7927 132964